Allergy season can be unbearable at times... but not anymore thanks to Mila Eve Essentials! Our essential oils can be applied topically with proper dilution or added to your Mila Eve Essentials diffuser for aromatherapy to give you the relief your body needs. Whether you have nasal congestion, a nagging cough, post nasal drainage or difficulty breathing, we have you covered! Our must haves have many uses but we complied a list of the most common uses below:
Nasal Congestion/Runny Nose:
Rosemary- Supports respiratory and circulatory systems and is amazing for sinus congestion relief. Using proper dilution, you can apply a 1:1 ratio of essential oil and your carrier oil and apply around the nasal passage as often as needed. Further dilution required for more sensitive skin.
Sinus Relief- Add 6 drops to 1 dram filled with your carrier oil and apply around the nasal passage as often as needed to relieve sinus congestion. This mix can also be applied behind the neck and to the forehead (avoiding the eyes and mucous membranes) to relieve sinus related stress, tension and pressure. Also available in a roll-on!
Lavender- Lavender is the “cure all” of all essential oils and is great for relieving symptoms of nasal congestion, sneezing and a runny nose. For season allergy relief, you can try adding 5 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Peppermint, and 3 drops of Lemon to a rollerball filled with your favorite carrier oil.
Chest Congestion and Cough:
Breathe Easy- The perfect mix of Basil, Niaouli, Eucalyptus Globulus, Pine, Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood essentials oils with immune boosting and respiratory relieving qualities. Add a few drops to your chest and "Breathe Easy" during the day and/or at night while you sleep. Also available in a roll-on!
Eucalyptus (Globulus)- Supports respiratory health, increases circulation, cleans surfaces and relieves allergy symptoms. Dilute and apply to your chest for relief or inhale from the palm of your hands.
Eucalyptus Radiata- Eucalyptus Radiata shares some of the same properties as Eucalyptus Globulus but is considered more gentle and less harsh, which is great for children. It supports respiratory health, increases circulation, decreases mental fatigue and tension headaches, cleans surfaces and relieves allergy symptoms.
Peppermint- Among Peppermint’s many great uses, it is excellent for congestion, headache relief, nausea, acid reflux, muscle ache relief and oral hygiene. Dilute and apply to your chest for relief or inhale from the palm of your hands.
Hyssop- A powerful antiviral, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory most commonly used for asthma related issues, bronchitis and other respiratory related issues. As of result of its amazing strength, it is recommended that you avoid use on children under 12 years old, if pregnant and also if your are epileptic.
Headaches and Migraines:
Head Aide- The ultimate headache and migraine reliever! Relieve stress and tension with this powerful blend by adding a drop or two to your forehead, temples and back of your neck. Also available in a roll-on!
Tea Tree- Support a healthy immune system and can be applied to your forehead to relieve headaches and tension.
Peppermint- Diffusing Peppermint can clear head congestion, while also cleaning the air. Dilute and apply to the forehead, temples and the back of the neck for migraine relief. Be very careful to avoid the eye area as Peppermint is very strong.
Air Cleaners (All the above plus what's listed here):
Fresh Home Scent- This fresh blend is full of antiseptics that can be incorporated into your household cleaning routines and maintenance. Our favorite air cleansing diffuser blend includes 4 drops if each Fresh Home Scent, Lemongrass and Bergamot!
Rosemary- Great for relieving the home of odors, airborne germs and opening the nasal passages.
Lemon- With properties commonly known for cleansing and purifying, Lemon essential oil can be used in the household for many reasons. Add a few drops in warm water for cleaning countertops and floors and even removing tarnishes of silver or copper jewelry and utensils. Lemon also is a wonderful astringent for the skin and can treat acne.
Pine Needle- The forest aroma of Pine Needle is not only mentally stimulating and refreshing but is one of the most effective essential oils for clearing sinus congestion and respiratory passages during the cold and flu season.
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